Instructions for Authors
Thank you for your interest in submitting an article for review for the Journal of Motivation, Emotion, and Personality: Reversal Theory Studies. We accept submissions of articles on a rolling basis, so you may submit your article for consideration at any time. Depending on the volume of articles received, an accepted submission will be considered for the next available publication. The editors will return a decision to authors once review is complete. Articles that do not conform to the guidelines will not be considered for publication.
Access Author Guidelines
Editorial Processes
The editors reserve the right to reject any submission that they consider to be inappropriate for the journal and to edit submissions to conform to the standards of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The Editorial Board consists of the Editor and Associate Editors, who are responsible for particular content areas, including:
- Theory and Theoretical Issues
- Instrumentation, Psychometrics and Statistical Methods
- Organizational Psychology and Management
- Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Consumer Psychology and Marketing
The journal is refereed in the traditional sense, in that blind copies of submitted articles are sent to multiple reviewers. Every article submitted to the journal is first vetted by the journal Editor who identifies the discipline within which the paper falls. The Editor removes identifying information and forwards the paper to the Associate Editor responsible for that discipline. The Associate Editor, in consultation with the Editor, names the second reviewer. Both review the paper blindly and vote independently to accept as-is, accept with stated revisions, advise author to revise and resubmit, or reject the submission. If the Associate Editor and the second reviewer agree, then the decision is clear. If there is a split decision, the paper will go to a third reviewer or the Editor will decide, at his/her discretion. The Editor will then inform the author(s) of the reviewers’ decision.
If a submission falls between two disciplines, then the Editor determines which Associate Editor is assigned the paper. Alternately, the Editor may elect to ask two Associate Editors to serve as the two reviewers. In some cases, additional members of the editorial board or other experts in the field are consulted to determine whether or not an article is appropriate for publication in the journal.
Copyright and Licensing
Authors that have articles published in this journal agree that the article is governed by an open access Creative Commons Attribution, No Derivative Works license (CC BY-ND 3.0). Under the terms of this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. Any redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, is allowed as long as the article is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the author.